Advantages and Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction in Plants



What are the benefits of asexual reproduction in plants?


Are there any disadvantages to asexual reproduction in plants?


What exactly is asexual reproduction in plants anyway?


There are a couple of types of reproduction; some people say “procreation.”


There are multi-cellular organisms and typically, these organisms procreate by way of sexual reproduction.


Examples of multi-cellular organisms? Humans.


However, there are also plants and single-celled organisms.


Typically, plants and single-celled organisms procreate by way of asexual reproduction.


Examples of single-celled organisms that procreate via asexual reproduction? Amoeba.


Visit Wikipedia for an expansive explanation of asexual reproduction.


Let’s consider the pros and the cons of asexual reproduction.




Advantages of Asexual Reproduction in Plants



1  The process of asexual reproduction is never ending



2  Energy consumption is less

Plant and single-cell organism asexual reproduction consumes far less energy resources than sexual reproduction.



3  Process is simpler

Because asexual reproduction is far less evolved than sexual reproduction, it is far less complex.



4  Abundant offspring

Multiple offspring means the chances of survival are greater than when number of offspring are greatly limited.



5  Process is more rapid

Because plant asexual reproduction is not overly dependent on time, on lots of energy or on any particular circumstances, plants can continually procreate without much energy or time involved.


There is no particular mating process and no preference for a particular mate, either.





Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction in Plants



1  Zero genetic diversity

Because there is no genetic diversity, evolution is capped. With subsequent generations, plants do not further develop.


Generally, disease that killed off parents will kill off offspring, too.


Thus, irrespective the passage of time, the plant kingdom is relatively the same.



2  Survival struggle

Asexual reproduction can be described as being “rampant.”


In such circumstances, this can quickly lead to overpopulation.


And, in these circumstances, it means that offspring can perish due to a lack of resources.


It’s a persistent fight for survival in the plant kingdom.


Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash