Advantages and Disadvantages of Affirmative Action


There are, of course, different types of “affirmative action.”


In this case, we are discussing the U.S. government program named affirmative action.


Affirmative Action Programs, or AAPs, have been established in order to promote access to educational and vocational programs.



These educational and vocational programs, under the designation of AAPs, are made available to those that are regarded as minority groups that are underprivileged and resident in the U.S.


AAPs focus on eliminating discrimination. Thus, affirmative action helps to ensure that opportunities are made equally available, regardless of gender, of religion, of race, of color.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of affirmative action and Affirmative Action Programs?




Advantages of Affirmative Action



1  Attracts pools of talent

Affirmative action and Affirmative Action Programs (AAPs) equip organizations in such a way that they are able to become more attractive to individuals with unique talents. 

In return, this caters to innovation and creativity in the workplace, thereby contributing to an organization’s success.



2  Excellent overall opportunity

Through affirmative action, individuals are at liberty to pursue a career line that very possibly would not have been available to them otherwise. 



3  Creation of business opportunity

Organizations that do choose to implement affirmative action policies are able to apply for governmental contracts as well as alternative opportunities that can prove to be very lucrative.

As such, there is greater potential for organizational expansion. 



4  Promotes diversity

With affirmative action comes a greater degree of workplace environment diversity. 

In turn, this can help to promote a positive culture – a culture that involves excellent performance, hard work, and innovation. 



5  Growth of organizations

Workplace diversity can lead to increased organizational revenue. 



6  Reduction of “class” gaps in society

Reduction of gaps in “class” essentially means a reduction in wage gap. 

However, there is more to it than this. There’s also an improvement in workplace gender equality as well as a reduction in minority gaps, at least within certain industries. 



7  Reduction of cultural loss

Historically, minority groups in the U.S. had little opportunity to create wealth and prosper. Minority groups have frequently faced societal oppression.

Through AAPs, wealth creation is now possible, while societal oppression is reduced. 



8  Reduction of socioeconomic discrimination

Touching on the previous point, AAPs have helped to reduce socioeconomic discrimination in the United States. 




Disadvantages of Affirmative Action



1  The concept of “meritocracy” is destroyed

A dominant factor for APPs to be successful is based upon race as a societal minority.

Hence, meritocracy (power held according to merit) is not fully influential.



2  Demeaning to achievements of minorities

Achieving success due to affirmative action as opposed to sheer hard work can demean the overall sense of achievement.



3  Reverse discrimination

While the goal of affirmative action and AAPs is to reduce discrimination, in fact, a different form of discrimination is occurring.

Minority groups are always favored.

Again, this is destructive to the concept of meritocracy.



4  Is affirmative action an insult to minorities?

Achieving success because you get a “leg up” can prove to be demeaning and even insulting.

Many people prefer to achieve success based on their own merit.



5  Accountability is reduced

Selection of individuals based solely upon the fact that they belong to a minority group in society as opposed to based upon merit reduces accountability.

Minority students and employees, arguably so, don’t have to remain accountable to gain preference.



6  Negatively impacts productivity

Selecting individuals based on the fact that they come from a “protected class” as opposed to merit can negatively impact individual productivity.



7  Personal bias

When affirmative action is relied upon, there will always be a large degree of personal bias involved.



8  Reinforcement of racism and stereotype

Offering certain peoples more opportunity to excel based on their societal class as opposed to personal qualification serves to encourage, in this case, racism, and reinforce stereotype. 

Society overall begins to believe that certain individuals – certain societal groups – will always require help and seek protection to “get ahead.”

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay