What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Growing Your Own Cannabis?


Is it cannabis or is it marijuana?




Is is cannabis or it is pot?


Or how about dope? Not dope? Then what about weed? Ganja? Cheeba? 420? 


In fact, all names are accurate, just depends on whom you speak to.


Why are there so many names for one plant, for one “substance”?


That’s because of the plant’s lengthy illegality.


And, due to cannabis’ illegality, and because of the huge demand for it worldwide, it developed an underground culture.


The underground culture then developed a large variety of coded names for cannabis/ marijuana/ dope – call it what you will. 




Limitations on the enforcement on the sale of cannabis/ marijuana has been adopted in many countries, with particular emphasis on both the Netherlands and in Spain.


In both the aforementioned countries, cannabis is available for sale at licensed establishments. 


In many other countries, cannabis is legally sold for medical usage. 


Those countries include: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Norway, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, Poland, Switzerland, and Thailand.


In the United States, 33 states and the District of Columbia have legalized the medical use of cannabis/ marijuana.


Here’s a list of those 33 states


Nevertheless, at federal level, the use of cannabis remains prohibited regardless the usage. 





Advantages of Growing Your Own Cannabis 


1  Controlled environment equates to superior marijuana

Because you have full control over the growing environment, you can be assured of superior marijuana – at least once you know what you are doing. 



2  Cost decreases

Once you have your equipment set up, the cost of growing your own marijuana on a per-ounce basis drops significantly in comparison to buying from a seller. 


Investing in your own marijuana-growing equipment requires some cash outlay. 


You can buy starter kits for as little as $80.


For more advanced growing, inclusive of basic lighting, duct fans, timers, fertilizers, and soil-less mix, you can have it all for around $300.


For even more advanced growers, you’re looking at potentially thousands of dollars in outlay. 



3  Sell for profit

For some, growing marijuana is almost solely about profiteering from the trade. 


Growing your own marijuana can be extremely profitable. 


However, if you prefer a safer route of making money, perhaps you’d like to invest in marijuana stocks. Here are a few of the best marijuana stock offerings in 2019 according to Motley Fool.



4  Consistency

When you grow your own marijuana, you can maintain a consistent crop in terms of quantity as well as quality. 


You may not obtain the same consistency in terms of quality in particularly when buying marijuana from a source. 





Disadvantages of Growing Your Own Marijuana


1  Commitment

When you grow your own, there’s a large investment of time and effort involved. 


The commitment in growing your own marijuana is not a disadvantage for everyone – many people love cultivating the crop. 


However, the crop does need to be attended to on a daily basis. 



2  Initial cash outlay

Growing your own marijuana calls for an initial cash outlay for your equipment in particular. 



4  Cost of electricity

The more enthusiastic marijuana-growing enthusiast can easily rack up electric bills of over $700 per month. 



4  Space

Space could also be a limiting factor, regardless you grow your marijuana crop outdoors or indoors. 



5  Legality

Depending on where you reside, the legal issues of growing your own marijuana may cause your entire project to come a cropper before you’ve even got going. 


Image by Darwin Laganzon from Pixabay